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Beit Eliyahu

Messianic Congregation

Welcome to Beit Eliyahu

We are Messianic Believers, meaning we believe that the promised Messiah of Israel has come. His name is Yeshua! We need him because He is our only hope to live life in the way the Creator of the Universe intended.

God created us in His image for a personal and eternal relationship with Him. He wants us to be encircled by His love and live at peace with all His creation. There is no need to describe how far this is from our reality. The Bible says clearly what the reason is: sin.

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Shabbat Worship Services
We will hold two services:

  • 10:00 First Service. (including Shabbat school for the children and translation into English & Russian)

  • 11:30 Fellowship time between the services with coffee and refreshments.

  • 12:00 Second Service. (including translation into English)

Looking forward to seeing you!
Shabbat Shalom!

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Recurring Events

Worship Service

The word ‘Worship’ says it all: We come to worship before the LORD. That is the essence of Shabbat and we remember and sanctify it. Therefore, we meet every Shabbat at 10:00 and 12:00 to praise the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, give thanks to Him, pray to Him, listen to His Word and be blessed by fellowshipping with one another.

This is actually our main gathering and is not a closed meeting - in fact it is quite the opposite! Everyone is invited to come, listen, be affected and take part. It is import to emphasize that everything we do is based on God's invitation.

A central part of the assembly is occupied by the sermon. God has always invited his people to hear his word - the living word of God! His words are not only interesting and rich, but also good and relevant to all of our lives, to our growth and service. During the sermon, the children are divided into different age groups and they also learn the word of God in a way that suits them in addition to other fun activities.

God also always invited his people to sing and sing. In the assembly we have a team that guides us all in singing and praise. God also continues to invite his people to come before him with prayers of thanksgiving and joy, but also prayers arising out of pain and various needs. There are wonderful prayers in the Bible, but it is also a right to pray freely and personally.

Every two weeks we celebrate the Lord's Supper and thus obey Jesus who commanded his disciples for all generations to remember the eternal atonement he obtained for us and to live by it. Each meeting ends with the announcement of the blessing of the priests over all present. ​ How good it is to know that God wants to bless: "May the Lord bless you and keep you, may the Lord show His face to you and guide you, may the Lord lift up His face to you and give you peace." Of course you can't meet without some refreshments. Then there is also time to talk and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and some cookies together.

Youth Group

A cohesive and flourishing group of youth meet each Friday at 16:00 at Beit Eliyahu. In the group, we study God's Word, sing and enjoy various activities. We also participate in trips and national youth conferences.


Contact Person: Ledi 052-545-0676 

Prayer Meeting

Prayer meetings are important and central meeting in the congregation. As the prayer life of the believer is important, so is the prayer life of the congregation as a body. We have the invitation from God, Creator of the heavens and earth, to come before Him with all that is on our hearts. We pray for our city, our country, our leaders, our congregation and others, for personal needs and likewise we also bring before the Lord various prayer requests that we've been asked to being before His throne.

Young Adults Group

A group of Young adults between the ages of 18-35  meets on Thursdays at 18:30 at the congregational building. In the program:

- Dinner (everyone brings a portion of food which we share)

- sing and praise God

- Learn from the word of God

- Fellowship and are there for one another. 

Contact persons: Shay 054-315-0245

                            Dina 054-482-2073

Home Groups

Home groups in the congregation meet weekly in various homes. The emphasis in these meetings is one group study of God's Word, bonding, prayer and mutual support. Each group is studying topics which suit them, such as Second Corinthians in a suitable language (Hebrew, Russian and English).

Contact Person: Philip 054-468-8492

Beit Eliyahu Messianic Congregation

43 Meir Rutberg

German Colony, Haifa

PO Box 525, Haifa 34001, Israel

Shmuel Aweida

Cell Phone: +972-54-4706917

Philip Litle


Cell Phone: +972-54-4688492

Telephone: 04-8523581
FAX: 04-8516875


Contact Us

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